Sunday 16 March 2014

Climate Change Sceptics!

He's back lol. Lomborg has some valid points, climate change will help balance population and increases in carbon tax may not benefit everyone and should be distributed and paid by those who are major polluters of greenhouse gases. However the guy is a little extreme with a lot of what he says. Sometimes you wonder if he really does know what he's talking about!!

Supporting Environmental Policy

Businesses should be encouraged to protect the environment! Helping finance renewable energy and sustainability measures. After all businesses are one of the biggest stakeholders and can influence Government policy!!

Climate Change...It's real!!

Is it too late? 2015 is the deadline to reduce carbon emissions to a sustainable amount before things get more serious and before it becomes much more costly to reduce emissions. Policy really needs to change and fast and so do the attitudes of individuals on climate change! It's serious!!!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Sustainable Lighting - Illuminating Cities!

Illuminating cities with sustainable smart lighting systems

Amazing and it's the Dutch to get there first. I think this concept should be applied everywhere. Sustainable lighting at it's best!